How much does a VIP GOLD membership cost?
VIP GOLD memberships are absolutely free, and there are no monthly minimums required to maintain your membership.
What if I decide I no longer want to be an active member?
There are no obligations, and you may cancel your membership at any time. Kindly send us an email to let us know you would like to deactivate your membership within 14 business days before your next billing cycle to deactivate your account.
How does a VIP GOLD membership work?
Our members build their own monthly ordering list, and get to choose their billing schedules with the option to set up automatic payments. If your account is billed on the 1st of every month, your order will ship next day (up to 12 cases). A 10% discount applies to all enrolled VIP GOLD members.
What if I carry candles in my shop that I don't need to order every month?
To ensure our clients keep their shelves stocked, but not overstocked, we have recently implemented mini cases into our wholesale shop! A 10% discount also applies when you add mini cases to your monthly ordering list.
How long does it take for my VIP GOLD membership to become active?
Once your membership has become active you will receive a confirmation email with any bonus points you may have acquired. Please allow up to one billing cycle for expedited shipping benefits.
How do I get free samples?
Once your membership has been activated, we will periodically send out samples of our newly released fragrances with your next order(s). Our samples come in a 1oz tin and do not contain any decorative toppings. Photos of these products will be available in your exclusive email updates.
Can I request free samples?
Absolutely! Simply send us an email to request a sample of any fragrance in our shop with your next order.
How do I earn and redeem loyalty points?
Loyalty points are earned by purchasing any product directly from our website, including standard wholesale orders that are not enrolled in a discounted billing cycle. Points can be redeemed at checkout.
Can I modify my monthly orders?
Yes. However, adding and/or removing products from your recurring orders may disrupt the expedited shipping process. In order to guarantee next day shipping, we ask that you please provide a 21-day notice for any changes to your account or place a standard wholesale order online for loyalty points as an alternative to avoid any disruptions.
How often are new fragrances released?
Approximately four times per year with the change of seasons, but there are spontaneous moments when we release new fragrances without any warning.
Can I become a VIP GOLD member without opting into a monthly billing cycle?
No. We have implemented the loyalty rewards program for clients who prefer to utilize the online ordering feature on a pay-as-you-go basis. You can start earning loyalty points by signing up to become a member of our website without enrolling in the VIP GOLD program.
What if I have more questions?
Email us directly at: wildwestcandlecompany@gmail.com